Simple Retirement Reset
🔥 Simple Retirement Reset Playbook 🔥
1. Do your Role & Purpose, business as usual
2. Do your fact finding….
I. Ask what other resources they would have to fall back on (what assets would
go to the beneficiary/how much would your family receive) if a spouse were
to pass away. This enables the purposeful discovery of resources that may
lead to a reset.
II. Specifically ask and give purpose to the following:
1. Checking/Savings
2. Existing Insurance
3. IRA/401(k)
Script Suggestions:
“So I can make the best recommendations for you today, we need a clear picture of
how things would look for you and your family if you lost an income.
So let’s do a quick review of what your family would have to fall back on if you died
or couldn’t work.
For example, thinking of your checking and savings accounts, is there anything
meaningful there or is it more of a rolling month to month balance?”
(If there’s something meaningful, give it a purpose, that is probably the rainy
day or emergency fund and isn’t to be touched unless there was no other choice.
That’s why we’re here, to make sure that emergency fund stays intact for things
that can’t be planned, make sense?)
“Any existing life insurance?”
(Each type of life insurance needs to be given a purpose. Work coverage =
temporary. Larger policy = ask what the original goal was for that policy, like most
people it is to replace income. Final expense policy = for funeral or cremation and
celebration of life and other final expenses)
“How about any retirement savings to fall back on like IRA’s or 401K’s? You don’t
have to give me an exact number here, but approximately how much do you have
saved for retirement?”
(To prevent “think about it” these accounts must also be given a purpose =
this is the forever money to last an entire life after our working years, which is why
people get mortgage protection and life insurance separately, makes sense?)Then continue with your normal sales presentation, uncovering their why (monthly
expenses, income, what would happen, uncover the problem and consequences of
not having coverage) and wrap up your MP/Life sale.
3. Once your appointment is wrapped up, sale or no sale, if
there are retirement accounts to fall back on, add this:
<Client> It was great meeting with you today.
1 - “Earlier in our conversation you mentioned you’ve been saving for retirement, do
you know if you have a portion of your retirement savings protected from stock
market losses?
* Would protecting your retirement savings from losses be important to you?”
2 - “In the same vein, do you know if you have a plan that will give you a stream of
guaranteed income during your retirement that you simply can’t outlive?
* Do you think that would be important too?”
The reason I asked <client> is because we have an entire division dedicated to
retirement planning, and their primary focus is education; they’re dedicated to
helping people understand the best tools and strategies out there for a great
Lindsay Reinelt is the expert I work with, and all of my clients tell me she’s amazing.
She will work with you to see where you’re at now and find out where you want to
be in the future, so she can provide the information needed to get there. She’ll get
you the information, and you can do with it whatever you want from there. There is
absolutely no cost or obligation to meet with her.
Now I know she’s super busy but she always makes herself available to help others
understand the best plan available to them.
I have her schedule open right here and …. (set appointment as you normally set
your appointments; ideally within 2-3 days for the best show rate).
Schedule using Lindsay's Calendly Link in HQ or by clicking here:
IMPORTANT: Put your name as the referring agent in the “Please share anything to
help with the meeting” box for tracking and to associate the reset to you!! Once the appointment is set send a group text to your client and Lindsay (917) 470-0422 for a warm introduction:
“Hi NAME! This is my colleague Lindsay. She will call you tomorrow at TIME
It was so great to speak with you today. And you are in good hands with Lindsay!”
From there, Lindsay will respond and introduce herself and make contact with the
client, send her website and contact details.
That’s it! Easy as 1-2-3